Do you wish you could reach your customers on a more personal level but don't have time to individually call each of them? With Slybroadcast, you can record a message then schedule it to automatically leave a voicemail with the contact list you upload.
Slybroadcast also integrates with Zapier allowing...
It can be challenging to ask for online reviews. And even more challenging to manage ones that are less than stellar.
With Revfee, collecting and managing reviews is a breeze. It generates a link that takes your customers to a user-friendly dashboard to leave a review.
Negative review?...
If you're a small business, hiring a graphic designer may seem daunting and expensive. Think again!
Design Pickle pairs you with a dedicated designer to help with unlimited graphic design requests all for $370/month. Whether you need graphics for social media, blogs or print collateral, they can...
eBooks, blogs and whitepapers are all great marketing tools, but what if you could help customers actually get answers to their most pressing questions? LeadQuizzesand Outgrow are two platforms that help you generate leads and drive sales with interactive quizzes and calculators.
Whether it's determining a cost for services or how long...
If you've been dealing with the same customer service emails over and over again, it's time to consider ticketing software. Customer service platforms help measure your responsiveness to customer issues, assign emails to the person best suited to handle them, track internal notes, and automate...
Starting up a new business and need to find the right domain name? Agile Domain Searchlets you put in any word and see available domains that include it.
It's a great way to instantly find domains, but also a way to jog your creativity when thinking...
Imagine having a DVR for your customer's web browser, so you can see exactly how they interact with your website. FullStory is your answer.
FullStory tells you everything you want to know about your customer’s online experience. Capture every click, swipe and scroll. There's even a...
How can you incentivize online shoppers with discount codes while encouraging them to share their love for your business on social media? Gatsby checks off both of those boxes with their e-commerce promotions app.
It rewards your customers with a discount code for sharing their experience on their...
Increasing your social media following fast is a painful experience. Either you spend hours and hours with little results, or you buy fake followers to bump your numbers, which only discredits your brand.
So how do you increase your social following at a Speedy Gonzalez rate?...
I've been using Gusto for the last few years, and payroll has never been easier. If your employees are on salary, you don't even have to log in. They automate employee hiring, new hire reporting, withholding, and taxes. So easy.
So, if you're thinking of switching,...